Thursday, June 14, 2007

new loft and young pigeons

This is my new pigeon loft with the bob traps set in a dormer style opening in the tiled roof. The youngsters in the picture are bred from the kirkpatrick strain of racing pigeon which i acquired from a friend. At present i only have sixteen pigeons in total in two small lofts. last year i had problems with my four young pigeons as they were forever clashing with other fanciers pigeons when out exercising , and as as a result i lost one, for a good while that pigeon would fly back to my loft but wouldn't enter. As you can see the loft is designed with sliding doors and doweled fronts to let maximum air and light into the loft. Its simple to clean, which is very important as the less time spent in the loft the better, the floor is covered with wood chippings which keeps the droppings dry and the pigeons are fed through two hatches on either side of the doors. I built both lofts myself and the feed hoppers, the loft in the picture is elevated on two courses of red brick with inch plywood floor and backing, the the front and sides are made of four inch ship lap cladding, the roof is a single pitched tiled with a ten inch band of led flashing and a timber trellis fence, the loft measures 8ft x 4ft and is8ft at the highest point. i will post more pictures and information at a later date, but in the meantime i would welcome your comments.
signed Jack.
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karlkop said...

hi i love your loft really nice idea with the traps have not seen that before i am building a new loft in the new year i may look at that roof style best of look all the best karl from dublin

karlkop said...

hi i love your loft really nice idea with the traps have not seen that before i am building a new loft in the new year i may look at that roof style best of look all the best karl from dublin

karlkop said...

hi i love your loft really nice idea with the traps have not seen that before i am building a new loft in the new year i may look at that roof style best of look all the best karl from dublin